Guidelines to Filing a Response

The SAIIPL has prepared a Response template intended to serve as a guide for the preparation and submission of a Response under the Regulations and Supplementary Procedure. Download and complete the editable Response template.


Response Template (.doc WORD format)

You may choose to submit the Response either:
- in digital format by sending it as an email attachment to; or 

- by post by sending it to the SAIIPL

- Email attachments should not exceed 8MB. 

PaymentIf applicable submit the required payment to the SAIIPL, as specified in the Supplementary Procedure. The following payment methods are available:

- Cheque Payments sent to the above postal address; or
- Direct Deposits or Electronic Fund Transfers into the following account:

South African Institute of Intellectual Property Law
Standard Bank
Church Square
Cheque Account
Acc No. 010649514

You will only be liable to make a payment of R12,000.00 if you have elected a 3-member Adjudicator panel and the Complainant has only elected a single member panel. If you are satisfied with the number of Adjudicators that the Complainant has chosen, you will not need to pay anything.

Please send your payment remittance to citing the concerned domain as a reference.

Please Remember: Before submitting, your Response must be commissioned by a Commissioner of Oaths. A section has been included on the Response template for this purpose. If you intend submitting your Response digitally, please do so in .pdf or .jpg format. A digital response must include the Commissioner of Oaths section duly completed.

Indexing and Pagination of Evidence:
Any evidence that is referred to in the Response must be included in an Evidence Bundle, which must be indexed and paginated. If the Evidence Bundle is too large to send digitally, it can be sent to the above postal address, notwithstanding the fact that the Response has been submitted electronically. Please also take note of the following general advisory.

Hardcopies (inclduing Evidence Bundle) must be posted to SAIIPL in triplicate. No copies need to be sent to the Complainant or the concerned 2nd level domain name administrator.

In preparing your Dispute, please refer to the following additional documents: The Regulations, the Supplementary Procedure and Previous Decisions.

Queries concerning the filing of a Response may be sent by e-mail to Queries concerning Financial Assistance in terms of the Regulations must be forwarded to the .za Domain Name Authority (ZADNA).

Disclaimer: Although we have endeavoured to make the Response template as extensive and helpful as possible, we cannot guarantee that by using the Response template your submission will not be deficient. It remains your responsibility to ensure that your submission meets all the requirements of the Regulations and the Supplementary Procedure.